What are our destinations? Where are we off to? 

*Page still under construction 

We plan on visiting the following countries... and some! As a note, our schedule is totally flexible so please don't hold us to our below dates and countries. There's a good chance we may take a couple detours. 


1. Argentina: Buenos Aires

July 7 - August 4

Because of the connections we've already formed and the amazing entrepreneurial community, we plan on starting in Buenos Aires. 

argentina entrepreneur


2. Uruguay

August 4 - August 18

Uruguay was ranked number 5 out of 29 in the South and Central America/Caribbean region for economic freedom. Within South America, Uruguay ranks second behind Chile.

Uruguay entreprener

3. CHILE: Santiago and the southern patagonia

August 18 - September 15

There are a lot of reasons why Chile's entrepreneurship community is growing. According to the Perceived Corruption Index, Chile is number 1 in terms of transparency in Latin America. Chile was also named the most competitive economy in Latin America according to the World Economic Forum and was first in Latin America for economic freedom according to the Economic Freedom Index in 2010. http://cs.stanford.edu/

chile entrepreneur


4. Bolivia: La Paz AND sUCRE

september 15 - October 6

Despite being one of the poorest Latin American countries, The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor showed Bolivia as having one of the highest entrepreneurship potential in the world in 2008. 

Bolivia entrepreneur


5. PERU: lima and cusco

October 6 - October 31

According to a 2015 Gem Study, there are more people in Peru intending to pursue entrepreneurship than in an other Latin American country.


6. ECUADOR: Quito, Cuenca and the Galapagos

October 31 - December 4

This entire adventure began with an internship in Quito, Ecuador. That experience sparked our goal to interview 100 South American entrepreneurs.




Recently named by Fortune as one of the top emerging countries to be on the watch for, Colombia has an amazing entrepreneurial community. 

colombia entrepreneur



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